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General Administration of Customs Announcement No. 60 of 2018 (Announcement on the Revision of the "Regulations on the Completion of the Customs Declaration Forms for Imported and Exported Goods of the People's Republic of China")

发布时间:2018-06-21         信息提供:中华人民共和国海关总署

  To standardize the declaration behavior of consignees and consignors of imported and exported goods and unify the requirements for completing the Import and Export Declaration Forms, the General Administration of Customs has revised the "Regulations on the Completion of the Customs Declaration Forms for Imported and Exported Goods of the People's Republic of China" (Announcement No. 13 of 2017). The revised text and related content are hereby announced as follows:
  I.In accordance with current relevant regulations, adjustments and modifications have been made to the requirements for filling in columns such as pre-entry number, customs number, domestic consignee/consignor, record number, mode of transportation, transportation means name and voyage number, consumer/producer unit for consumption, nature of duty exemption, packaging type, marking and labeling, item number, commodity name and specifications, domestic destination/domestic source, and declaring unit.
  II.Five new columns have been added, including "Foreign Consignee/Consignor," "Goods Storage Location," "Port of Shipment," "Port of Entry/Port of Exit," and "Self-Declaration and Self-Payment."
  III.Four columns have been renamed. "Consignee" is changed to "Domestic Consignee," "Import Port/Export Port" is changed to "Entry Customs/Exit Customs," "Loading Port/Port of Destination" is changed to "Transit Port/Destination Port," and "Attached Documents" is changed to "Attached Documents and Number."
  IV.Enterprises in Customs Special Supervision Areas that declare goods for import or export and entry or exit from the area should complete the "People's Republic of China Customs Inbound (Outbound) Goods Record List." Goods entering or exiting the Customs Special Supervision Area to and from domestic (non-area) enterprises should complete the "People's Republic of China Customs Import (Export) Declaration Form." Bonded goods circulation shall be conducted in accordance with relevant regulations.
  V.The "People's Republic of China Customs Inbound (Outbound) Goods Record List" should be completed in accordance with the requirements of the "Regulations on the Completion of the Customs Declaration Forms for Imported and Exported Goods of the People's Republic of China."
  VI.The new version of customs clearance parameters can be downloaded from the "Customs General Administration Portal Website" (Home > Online Services > Information Query > Customs Clearance Parameters, Customs Integration Section).
  The revised "Regulations on the Completion of the Customs Declaration Forms for Imported and Exported Goods of the People's Republic of China" (see attachment) will be effective from August 1, 2018. General Administration of Customs Announcement No. 13 of 2017 and Announcement No. 69 of 2017 are simultaneously repealed.
  This announcement is hereby made.

  General Administration of Customs
  June 21, 2018


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