美国肉类出口协会成立于1976年,是一个非营利的畜肉推广组织。协会成立的宗旨是为美国牛肉、猪肉、羊肉和犊牛肉开拓出口商机。我们的主要营运资金途径,源于美国农业部, 美国牛肉、猪肉、羊肉和大豆基金会的拨款计划及代表九大产业的会员费。九大产业指牛肉和犊牛肉的畜牧及生产单位、猪的畜牧及生产单位、羊的畜牧及生产单位、屠宰加工厂、贸易加工厂、油籽生产、饲料生产、农场及相关行业服务的公司。我们的总部设于丹佛,并在北京、上海、香港、台北、首尔、东京、新加坡、莫斯科、圣彼得斯堡、墨西哥城、蒙特雷以及布鲁塞尔设有办公室。此外,我们在中东、中南美洲和加勒比海等地皆有特驻推广专员。
• 市场推广
• 贸易服务
• 市场准入
The mission of USMEF is "to increase the value and profitability of the U.S. beef, pork, and lamb industries by enhancing demand for their products in export markets through a dynamic partnership of all stakeholders." Simply put, USMEF is "Putting U.S. Meat on the World's Table."
The U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) was established in 1976 as a nonprofit trade association working to create new export opportunities for U.S. beef, pork, lamb and veal. USMEF receives funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the beef, pork, lamb, corn and soybean checkoff programs, as well as its members representing nine industry sectors: beef/veal producing & feeding, pork producing & feeding, lamb producing & feeding, packing & processing, purveying & trading, oilseeds producing, feedgrains producing, farm organizations and supply & service organizations. Headquartered in Denver, USMEF has offices in Beijing, Brussels, Hong Kong, Mexico City, Monterrey, Moscow, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, St. Petersburg, Taipei and Tokyo. USMEF also has special market representatives operating in the Middle East, Central & South America and the Caribbean.
USMEF carries out market development activities in more than 80 countries. These activities fall into several primary areas:
• Marketing - Creating demand in international markets for U.S. meat through promotions, trade seminars, consumer education, advertising and public relations.
• Trade Servicing - Working to bring buyer and seller together and by conducting both market and product research.
• Market Access - Providing the U.S. government and industry with the market intelligence necessary to secure, maintain and develop fair and reasonable access to international markets.
联 系 人:尹雅慧
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